

Our advanced
Pricing & Planning

Our pricing and plans are for any business, from a startup to enterprise. We have handpicked solutions packed with features that fit your requirements and support you throughout your customer journey.

Set-Up Cost
1,000 / Month
1,000 / Month
1,000 / Month
Head Office ₹ 3,00,000
Per Branch ₹1,25,000
1,000 / Month

Tracking candidates and applications

Helps new joiners understand company policy

Monitor Daily Attendance

Helps performance apprasial of workers

Recording Skill Sets and Improvement

Hasslefree management of salary

Online assessment and recruitment of staffs

Calculating and sharing of profits/incentives

Employee shifting/transferring made easy

Create Purchase orders easily

String all digital contracts safely

Capturing materials requirement

Send Quotation or purchase price easily

Monitor the movement of purchase Order

Complete import functionality with the handling of custom details

Purchase bill for import, excise consideration in imports

Easily create bill of entry when shipment is ready

Value-based approval of indents

Service contracts, Srrvice bills, Service indents, and PO

Add payment terms in PO

Excise considration in purchase and process orders

Send purchase order to vendor for authorization

Track all amendments made in PO

Track cancellation and closing of orders

Facility to add multiple dates for delivery

Check your product fulfills quality parameters

Add the period the quoted price is valid

Create MIS report on quality, price, delivery period.

Outourcing and tracking the orders easy.

Can add more buy requisition in a PO.

Add details of tax and others in PO.

Easy to adjust Advance payments.

Add bills in Purchase and General Ledger.

Vendor complince made easy.

Improve efficiency from design to conception.

Track receipts and payments of a vendor.

Make a directory of all vendors.

Evaluate Vendor performance.

Evaluate profit and loss (Vendor Wise).

Track Sales Return/Dead Stock (Vendor wise).

Understand the demand/no demand of items of Vendor.

Create alerts for vendor credit period.

Automated TDS and TCS facility.

Well defined lifecycle mamgement for job card/order.

Plan buying materials for production.

Track vendor performance (Inhouse or Outhouse).

Facility to include all activites related to PO.

Create work order as per the PO recevied.

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhouse)

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhoues).

ServiceProvision for Stone Quality checking and clearance.

Track outstanding quantity of metal/stone.

Track your job card /order.

Create different stages of quality checking.

Remodel issues & receipts

Remodel allocation process.

Monitoring the stock (item wise or vendoer wise).

Manual sketches process.

Create 3D models of the product.

Wax-Modling process.

Tree Setup.

Detemine the ratio of combining two metals.

Detemine the ratio of metal to make it hard/brittle.

Determine the perfect casting ratio to make a mould.

Ghat process.

Polishing the surface of the metal to get luster.

First stage polishing before Buffing starts

Fixing stones on the surface,

Final stage of polishing the surface

Metal / Stone Extra Fitting

Easy to add quality checks.

Helps to add the details in the Website.

Maximise output with less input.

Manage your sales return.

Keep track of multiple vendors.

Protect stocks flow by Barcode/QR codes etc.

Number system in QR code to identify manufactturer.

Flexible layable formatting.

Sort by weight and number of pieces.

Calulate MRP and cost of production.

Arrange itmes as per expiry date.

Issue certificate for the purity of gold.

Create triggers when stocks goes down.

Calulate the inventory requriment.

Calulate the wear and tear of machines.

Take stock of shelved itmes regularly.

Monitor stock movement (from counter to counter).

Track all your inventory (multiple inventory).

Track total stock in hand.

Arrange diamond/stones as per quality.

Maintain separate ledger for different stockholder.

Track stock of inventory periodically.

Document inventory movement day wise/ customised.

Calculates profit making capacity of each factors of production.

Calculates cost of promotional activites.

Find out the age of inventory using barcode etc.

Verfication of financial records is easy.

Secure inventory movement through OTP.

Track expired items for recycle.

Calulate total stock in hand.

Flexibilty in barcode number series.

Dynamically customisation avaible in voucher number series generation.

Requesting warehouse for itmes delivery.

Track stocks issued/transferred or cancelled.

Delivering products to customers.

Stock accept & return without acccept.

Stock retuned to vendor.

Easy to send picklist of OSP (old Gold/Silver, Sales Return,& Partial Sales.)

easy to send picklist of Supplier.

Generating a request for quotation.

Generation and cancellation of invoice.

Invioce against Order/Reserve.

Direct billing for goods pick-up.

Online Shareable invoice in standard format.

Goods image or pictures on invoice.

Manage your offers and discounts.

Customise your discounts.

Create aoutmated disconuts for material parts.

Part payment invoice.

Easily find tax to pay.

Automation for improved sales.

Create and track credit memos.

Calulate commission for paid/sold items.

Easy to handle sales returns.

Sales monitoring and compare.

Track and store customer appraisals.

Calulate rate of growth of business.

Customize mode of payment.

Monitor sales, profit and loss.

Converting percentage net values rates into sales orders.

Massage notification to billed customers.

Verify payment adjustments by one time password.

Separate provision for Orders, Reserves and Advances.

Separate provision for Orders, Pre and Post registration of sales.

Uploading image with facility of Order/Reserve/Customer Sample.

Facility to add product description.

Fexibility to vhange rates.

Payment through instalments.

Facility to order advance, Payment and Cancellation.

Work allocation made simple.

Complete process from order to delivery.

Status to production orders.

Tracking the status of orders made.

Easy to track on-time and delayed deliveries.

Facility to adjust the advance received.

Protect the payment with OTP.

SMS alerts for customers regarings delivery.

Customer sample item maintenance.

Tracking outstanding orders and payments.

Mapping normal stock item to order stock item and vise versa.

Advance registration for repair.

Repair Registration with customer details.

Facility to use barcode for tracking Repair Item.

Assiginig work to Smith.

Assign work and create Receipt.

Create Delivery Invoice with extra charges.

Monitor the pending repair queue.

Confirm repaired delivery through OTP.

Automated SMS for repair completion

One step tracking of repair order and status.

Track Delivered/Undelivered status easily.

Easy to create and track various schemes.

Member can join schemes online or offline.

Automatic issuing of membership number.

Provision to add Bonus for joining a scheme.

Provision to add lucky draw.

Can customize scheme card.

Re-issuing card protected through OTP.

Members can pay online/offline.

Provision to add payment collection agents.

Supports your multiple brance simultaneously.

Can add to your website.

Customer can login and find status.

Auto caclulate gold scheme amount based on pledged item’s valuation.

Send Alerts to unpaid members.

Manage gold schemes and agent details.

Protect changes of scheme via OTP.

Separate track of members joined. Amount/Weightwise.

Monitor as you like (store wise/ scheme wise etc).

Track performance/incentiveof sales people

Flexibility to redeem scheme at any branch.

Check performance store wise/scheme wise.

Separate accounts for old gold/silver etc.

Manage old gold and silver separately.

URD purchase bag wise management.

Keep track of your resale.

Auto valuation made easy.

Flexibility to adjust bills (advance conversion or customer returns).

Calulate profit weightwise/moneywise.

Details of metting point of gold/other metals.

Data support to do purity checking via melting.

Helps to find out conversion rates from pure gold bar.

Facility for WhatsApp/Email alerts.

Easily track customer and leads information.

Store detailed customer inforamation.

Attach KYC and supporting documents.

Choose auto-mailing for bulk email alerts.

Savings scheme on gold (Amount/Weight).

Generate online orders/its updates.

Protect payments through OTP/aoutomated remainders.

Send spacial day wishes in bulk.

Store and track customer information.

Easy to identify ergular customers.

Easy to propagate Offers/Discounts.

Shearing product line data online.

Online update and download product catalogue.

Secured user access.

Seprating and organising product line.

Item search in oragnised product line.

Share images to Whatsapp/Email.

Zoom out features added to enlarge the image.

Provision for multiple images.

Provision for smart product/best offer search.

Keeps administrative cost low.

Complete product details.

Easy to identify and refill the stocks in shelf.

Make your purchase free of errors.

Track customers with due payments.

Easy to adhere administrative and regulatory controls.

Different repayment options.

Check payment dues by empolyee or customer.

Check payment dues by date & contact.

Payment reminder SMS text message.

Supply chain management.

Track your Order/ Job Cards.

Keep track of stone qualiy and receipts.

Different levels of quality check.

Customize managing your metal/stone inventory.

Payments and Receipts: supplier and worker.

Customized reports for different vendors.

B2B order approval.

B2B Invoice Generation and Cancellation.

B2B sales return process.

B2B metal receipts.

B2B rate-cut.

B2B payments & receipts.

B2B Ledgers.

Bank journal to track bank transation.

Easy to update cash/payment balances of vendor/ customer.

Maintain B2B Trey Tag always accurate.

Invoice generation and cancellation of B2C made simple.

Track outstanding fot B2B and B2C.

Track Advance Payment of B2B.

Multi-Tier System

Fully personalised solutions.

Focused marketing.

Turing customer to brand loyalist.

Shop with us and win.

Accumulating points.

Redeeming the points.

Redemption expiration date.

Currency exchange Rate.


Ease-to-use wizard.

Real-time tracking.

Traget pricing.

Easy to add offers and promotions.

Easy to add offers on selected items.

Easy to monitor the offers.

Easy to add promotion/notification via SMS/WhatsApp.

Campaign management.

Stock on hand to satisfy orders.

Inventory on hand and to satisfy ordres.

Understand stock levels and stock location.

In-demand products insights.

Best sellers insights.

Profitable single or product line.

Monitor of supplier performance.

Records of retun items.

Financial statement graphs and charts.

Point of sale payment reports.

Easy to identify that customers interested gold schemes.

Monitoring gold scheme transactions and outsdanings.

Item sale and gold scheme performance tracking.

Cost control & reduction, maximizing revenues & profits.

Sales order summary.

Sales transction list for specific period.

Sales commision report.

Profit analysis.

Ratio analysis.

Scenario management.

Unlimited cost & profit centers.

Balance sheets and financial statements.

Easy record maintenance of income & expenses.

Standard printing format for recorded payments.

Auto accountig up to balance sheets.

Flexible budget.

GST & TDS reports.

Account level financial information.

Business owned items buying.

P & L Analysis By Store Wise, Item Wise, Vendor Wise.

Price to cash flow.

Integrating RFID reader to your business.

Authenticate important activity through OTP support.

Integrate your products with Tally.

High-level security.

Use mobile applications for doorstep collection of payment.

Use our applications offline or cloud based.

Data conversion is easy our application.

Do all E-commerece activities through our application.

Set-Up Cost
1,000 / Month
1,000 / Month
Head Office ₹3,00,000
Per Branch ₹1,25,000
1,000 / Month

Tracking candidates and applications

Helps new joiners understand company policy

Monitor Daily Attendance

Helps performance apprasial of workers

Recording Skill Sets and Improvement

Hasslefree management of salary

Online assessment and recruitment of staffs

Calculating and sharing of profits/incentives

Employee shifting/transferring made easy

Create Purchase orders easily

String all digital contracts safely

Capturing materials requirement

Send Quotation or purchase price easily

Monitor the movement of purchase Order

Complete import functionality with the handling of custom details

Purchase bill for import, excise consideration in imports

Easily create bill of entry when shipment is ready

Value-based approval of indents

Service contracts, Srrvice bills, Service indents, and PO

Add payment terms in PO

Excise considration in purchase and process orders

Send purchase order to vendor for authorization

Track all amendments made in PO

Track cancellation and closing of orders

Facility to add multiple dates for delivery

Check your product fulfills quality parameters

Add the period the quoted price is valid

Create MIS report on quality, price, delivery period.

Outourcing and tracking the orders easy.

Can add more buy requisition in a PO.

Add details of tax and others in PO.

Easy to adjust Advance payments.

Add bills in Purchase and General Ledger.

Vendor complince made easy.

Improve efficiency from design to conception.

Track receipts and payments of a vendor.

Make a directory of all vendors.

Evaluate Vendor performance.

Evaluate profit and loss (Vendor Wise).

Track Sales Return/Dead Stock (Vendor wise).

Understand the demand/no demand of items of Vendor.

Create alerts for vendor credit period.

Automated TDS and TCS facility.

Well defined lifecycle mamgement for job card/order.

Plan buying materials for production.

Track vendor performance (Inhouse or Outhouse).

Facility to include all activites related to PO.

Create work order as per the PO recevied.

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhouse)

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhoues).

ServiceProvision for Stone Quality checking and clearance.

Track outstanding quantity of metal/stone.

Track your job card /order.

Create different stages of quality checking.

Remodel issues & receipts

Remodel allocation process.

Monitoring the stock (item wise or vendoer wise).

Manual sketches process.

Create 3D models of the product.

Wax-Modling process.

Tree Setup.

Detemine the ratio of combining two metals.

Detemine the ratio of metal to make it hard/brittle.

Determine the perfect casting ratio to make a mould.

Ghat process.

Polishing the surface of the metal to get luster.

First stage polishing before Buffing starts

Fixing stones on the surface,

Final stage of polishing the surface

Metal / Stone Extra Fitting

Easy to add quality checks.

Helps to add the details in the Website.

Maximise output with less input.

Manage your sales return.

Keep track of multiple vendors.

Protect stocks flow by Barcode/QR codes etc.

Number system in QR code to identify manufactturer.

Flexible layable formatting.

Sort by weight and number of pieces.

Calulate MRP and cost of production.

Arrange itmes as per expiry date.

Issue certificate for the purity of gold.

Create triggers when stocks goes down.

Calulate the inventory requriment.

Calulate the wear and tear of machines.

Take stock of shelved itmes regularly.

Monitor stock movement (from counter to counter).

Track all your inventory (multiple inventory).

Track total stock in hand.

Arrange diamond/stones as per quality.

Maintain separate ledger for different stockholder.

Track stock of inventory periodically.

Document inventory movement day wise/ customised.

Calculates profit making capacity of each factors of production.

Calculates cost of promotional activites.

Find out the age of inventory using barcode etc.

Verfication of financial records is easy.

Secure inventory movement through OTP.

Track expired items for recycle.

Calulate total stock in hand.

Flexibilty in barcode number series.

Dynamically customisation avaible in voucher number series generation.

Requesting warehouse for itmes delivery.

Track stocks issued/transferred or cancelled.

Delivering products to customers.

Stock accept & return without acccept.

Stock retuned to vendor.

Easy to send picklist of OSP (old Gold/Silver, Sales Return,& Partial Sales.)

easy to send picklist of Supplier.

Generating a request for quotation.

Generation and cancellation of invoice.

Invioce against Order/Reserve.

Direct billing for goods pick-up.

Online Shareable invoice in standard format.

Goods image or pictures on invoice.

Manage your offers and discounts.

Customise your discounts.

Create aoutmated disconuts for material parts.

Part payment invoice.

Easily find tax to pay.

Automation for improved sales.

Create and track credit memos.

Calulate commission for paid/sold items.

Easy to handle sales returns.

Sales monitoring and compare.

Track and store customer appraisals.

Calulate rate of growth of business.

Customize mode of payment.

Monitor sales, profit and loss.

Converting percentage net values rates into sales orders.

Massage notification to billed customers.

Verify payment adjustments by one time password.

Separate provision for Orders, Reserves and Advances.

Separate provision for Orders, Pre and Post registration of sales.

Uploading image with facility of Order/Reserve/Customer Sample.

Facility to add product description.

Fexibility to vhange rates.

Payment through instalments.

Facility to order advance, Payment and Cancellation.

Work allocation made simple.

Complete process from order to delivery.

Status to production orders.

Tracking the status of orders made.

Easy to track on-time and delayed deliveries.

Facility to adjust the advance received.

Protect the payment with OTP.

SMS alerts for customers regarings delivery.

Customer sample item maintenance.

Tracking outstanding orders and payments.

Mapping normal stock item to order stock item and vise versa.

Advance registration for repair.

Repair Registration with customer details.

Facility to use barcode for tracking Repair Item.

Assiginig work to Smith.

Assign work and create Receipt.

Create Delivery Invoice with extra charges.

Monitor the pending repair queue.

Confirm repaired delivery through OTP.

Automated SMS for repair completion

One step tracking of repair order and status.

Track Delivered/Undelivered status easily.

Easy to create and track various schemes.

Member can join schemes online or offline.

Automatic issuing of membership number.

Provision to add Bonus for joining a scheme.

Provision to add lucky draw.

Can customize scheme card.

Re-issuing card protected through OTP.

Members can pay online/offline.

Provision to add payment collection agents.

Supports your multiple brance simultaneously.

Can add to your website.

Customer can login and find status.

Auto caclulate gold scheme amount based on pledged item’s valuation.

Send Alerts to unpaid members.

Manage gold schemes and agent details.

Protect changes of scheme via OTP.

Separate track of members joined. Amount/Weightwise.

Monitor as you like (store wise/ scheme wise etc).

Track performance/incentiveof sales people

Flexibility to redeem scheme at any branch.

Check performance store wise/scheme wise.

Separate accounts for old gold/silver etc.

Manage old gold and silver separately.

URD purchase bag wise management.

Keep track of your resale.

Auto valuation made easy.

Flexibility to adjust bills (advance conversion or customer returns).

Calulate profit weightwise/moneywise.

Details of metting point of gold/other metals.

Data support to do purity checking via melting.

Helps to find out conversion rates from pure gold bar.

Facility for WhatsApp/Email alerts.

Easily track customer and leads information.

Store detailed customer inforamation.

Attach KYC and supporting documents.

Choose auto-mailing for bulk email alerts.

Savings scheme on gold (Amount/Weight).

Generate online orders/its updates.

Protect payments through OTP/aoutomated remainders.

Send spacial day wishes in bulk.

Store and track customer information.

Easy to identify ergular customers.

Easy to propagate Offers/Discounts.

Shearing product line data online.

Online update and download product catalogue.

Secured user access.

Seprating and organising product line.

Item search in oragnised product line.

Share images to Whatsapp/Email.

Zoom out features added to enlarge the image.

Provision for multiple images.

Provision for smart product/best offer search.

Keeps administrative cost low.

Complete product details.

Easy to identify and refill the stocks in shelf.

Make your purchase free of errors.

Track customers with due payments.

Easy to adhere administrative and regulatory controls.

Different repayment options.

Check payment dues by empolyee or customer.

Check payment dues by date & contact.

Payment reminder SMS text message.

Supply chain management.

Track your Order/ Job Cards.

Keep track of stone qualiy and receipts.

Different levels of quality check.

Customize managing your metal/stone inventory.

Payments and Receipts: supplier and worker.

Customized reports for different vendors.

B2B order approval.

B2B Invoice Generation and Cancellation.

B2B sales return process.

B2B metal receipts.

B2B rate-cut.

B2B payments & receipts.

B2B Ledgers.

Bank journal to track bank transation.

Easy to update cash/payment balances of vendor/ customer.

Maintain B2B Trey Tag always accurate.

Invoice generation and cancellation of B2C made simple.

Track outstanding fot B2B and B2C.

Track Advance Payment of B2B.

Multi-Tier System

Fully personalised solutions.

Focused marketing.

Turing customer to brand loyalist.

Shop with us and win.

Accumulating points.

Redeeming the points.

Redemption expiration date.

Currency exchange Rate.


Ease-to-use wizard.

Real-time tracking.

Traget pricing.

Easy to add offers and promotions.

Easy to add offers on selected items.

Easy to monitor the offers.

Easy to add promotion/notification via SMS/WhatsApp.

Campaign management.

Stock on hand to satisfy orders.

Inventory on hand and to satisfy ordres.

Understand stock levels and stock location.

In-demand products insights.

Best sellers insights.

Profitable single or product line.

Monitor of supplier performance.

Records of retun items.

Financial statement graphs and charts.

Point of sale payment reports.

Easy to identify that customers interested gold schemes.

Monitoring gold scheme transactions and outsdanings.

Item sale and gold scheme performance tracking.

Cost control & reduction, maximizing revenues & profits.

Sales order summary.

Sales transction list for specific period.

Sales commision report.

Profit analysis.

Ratio analysis.

Scenario management.

Unlimited cost & profit centers.

Balance sheets and financial statements.

Easy record maintenance of income & expenses.

Standard printing format for recorded payments.

Auto accountig up to balance sheets.

Flexible budget.

GST & TDS reports.

Account level financial information.

Business owned items buying.

P & L Analysis By Store Wise, Item Wise, Vendor Wise.

Price to cash flow.

Integrating RFID reader to your business.

Authenticate important activity through OTP support.

Integrate your products with Tally.

High-level security.

Use mobile applications for doorstep collection of payment.

Use our applications offline or cloud based.

Data conversion is easy our application.

Do all E-commerece activities through our application.

Set-Up Cost
1,000 / Month
Head Office ₹3,30,000
Per Branch ₹1,25,000
1,000 / Month

Tracking candidates and applications

Helps new joiners understand company policy

Monitor Daily Attendance

Helps performance apprasial of workers

Recording Skill Sets and Improvement

Hasslefree management of salary

Online assessment and recruitment of staffs

Calculating and sharing of profits/incentives

Employee shifting/transferring made easy

Create Purchase orders easily

String all digital contracts safely

Capturing materials requirement

Send Quotation or purchase price easily

Monitor the movement of purchase Order

Complete import functionality with the handling of custom details

Purchase bill for import, excise consideration in imports

Easily create bill of entry when shipment is ready

Value-based approval of indents

Service contracts, Srrvice bills, Service indents, and PO

Add payment terms in PO

Excise considration in purchase and process orders

Send purchase order to vendor for authorization

Track all amendments made in PO

Track cancellation and closing of orders

Facility to add multiple dates for delivery

Check your product fulfills quality parameters

Add the period the quoted price is valid

Create MIS report on quality, price, delivery period.

Outourcing and tracking the orders easy.

Can add more buy requisition in a PO.

Add details of tax and others in PO.

Easy to adjust Advance payments.

Add bills in Purchase and General Ledger.

Vendor complince made easy.

Improve efficiency from design to conception.

Track receipts and payments of a vendor.

Make a directory of all vendors.

Evaluate Vendor performance.

Evaluate profit and loss (Vendor Wise).

Track Sales Return/Dead Stock (Vendor wise).

Understand the demand/no demand of items of Vendor.

Create alerts for vendor credit period.

Automated TDS and TCS facility.

Well defined lifecycle mamgement for job card/order.

Plan buying materials for production.

Track vendor performance (Inhouse or Outhouse).

Facility to include all activites related to PO.

Create work order as per the PO recevied.

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhouse)

Helps to issue raw materials (Inhoues).

ServiceProvision for Stone Quality checking and clearance.

Track outstanding quantity of metal/stone.

Track your job card /order.

Create different stages of quality checking.

Remodel issues & receipts

Remodel allocation process.

Monitoring the stock (item wise or vendoer wise).

Manual sketches process.

Create 3D models of the product.

Wax-Modling process.

Tree Setup.

Detemine the ratio of combining two metals.

Detemine the ratio of metal to make it hard/brittle.

Determine the perfect casting ratio to make a mould.

Ghat process.

Polishing the surface of the metal to get luster.

First stage polishing before Buffing starts

Fixing stones on the surface,

Final stage of polishing the surface

Metal / Stone Extra Fitting

Easy to add quality checks.

Helps to add the details in the Website.

Maximise output with less input.

Manage your sales return.

Keep track of multiple vendors.

Protect stocks flow by Barcode/QR codes etc.

Number system in QR code to identify manufactturer.

Flexible layable formatting.

Sort by weight and number of pieces.

Calulate MRP and cost of production.

Arrange itmes as per expiry date.

Issue certificate for the purity of gold.

Create triggers when stocks goes down.

Calulate the inventory requriment.

Calulate the wear and tear of machines.

Take stock of shelved itmes regularly.

Monitor stock movement (from counter to counter).

Track all your inventory (multiple inventory).

Track total stock in hand.

Arrange diamond/stones as per quality.

Maintain separate ledger for different stockholder.

Track stock of inventory periodically.

Document inventory movement day wise/ customised.

Calculates profit making capacity of each factors of production.

Calculates cost of promotional activites.

Find out the age of inventory using barcode etc.

Verfication of financial records is easy.

Secure inventory movement through OTP.

Track expired items for recycle.

Calulate total stock in hand.

Flexibilty in barcode number series.

Dynamically customisation avaible in voucher number series generation.

Requesting warehouse for itmes delivery.

Track stocks issued/transferred or cancelled.

Delivering products to customers.

Stock accept & return without acccept.

Stock retuned to vendor.

Easy to send picklist of OSP (old Gold/Silver, Sales Return,& Partial Sales.)

easy to send picklist of Supplier.

Generating a request for quotation.

Generation and cancellation of invoice.

Invioce against Order/Reserve.

Direct billing for goods pick-up.

Online Shareable invoice in standard format.

Goods image or pictures on invoice.

Manage your offers and discounts.

Customise your discounts.

Create aoutmated disconuts for material parts.

Part payment invoice.

Easily find tax to pay.

Automation for improved sales.

Create and track credit memos.

Calulate commission for paid/sold items.

Easy to handle sales returns.

Sales monitoring and compare.

Track and store customer appraisals.

Calulate rate of growth of business.

Customize mode of payment.

Monitor sales, profit and loss.

Converting percentage net values rates into sales orders.

Massage notification to billed customers.

Verify payment adjustments by one time password.

Separate provision for Orders, Reserves and Advances.

Separate provision for Orders, Pre and Post registration of sales.

Uploading image with facility of Order/Reserve/Customer Sample.

Facility to add product description.

Fexibility to vhange rates.

Payment through instalments.

Facility to order advance, Payment and Cancellation.

Work allocation made simple.

Complete process from order to delivery.

Status to production orders.

Tracking the status of orders made.

Easy to track on-time and delayed deliveries.

Facility to adjust the advance received.

Protect the payment with OTP.

SMS alerts for customers regarings delivery.

Customer sample item maintenance.

Tracking outstanding orders and payments.

Mapping normal stock item to order stock item and vise versa.

Advance registration for repair.

Repair Registration with customer details.

Facility to use barcode for tracking Repair Item.

Assiginig work to Smith.

Assign work and create Receipt.

Create Delivery Invoice with extra charges.

Monitor the pending repair queue.

Confirm repaired delivery through OTP.

Automated SMS for repair completion

One step tracking of repair order and status.

Track Delivered/Undelivered status easily.

Easy to create and track various schemes.

Member can join schemes online or offline.

Automatic issuing of membership number.

Provision to add Bonus for joining a scheme.

Provision to add lucky draw.

Can customize scheme card.

Re-issuing card protected through OTP.

Members can pay online/offline.

Provision to add payment collection agents.

Supports your multiple brance simultaneously.

Can add to your website.

Customer can login and find status.

Auto caclulate gold scheme amount based on pledged item’s valuation.

Send Alerts to unpaid members.

Manage gold schemes and agent details.

Protect changes of scheme via OTP.

Separate track of members joined. Amount/Weightwise.

Monitor as you like (store wise/ scheme wise etc).

Track performance/incentiveof sales people

Flexibility to redeem scheme at any branch.

Check performance store wise/scheme wise.

Separate accounts for old gold/silver etc.

Manage old gold and silver separately.

URD purchase bag wise management.

Keep track of your resale.

Auto valuation made easy.

Flexibility to adjust bills (advance conversion or customer returns).

Calulate profit weightwise/moneywise.

Details of metting point of gold/other metals.

Data support to do purity checking via melting.

Helps to find out conversion rates from pure gold bar.

Facility for WhatsApp/Email alerts.

Easily track customer and leads information.

Store detailed customer inforamation.

Attach KYC and supporting documents.

Choose auto-mailing for bulk email alerts.

Savings scheme on gold (Amount/Weight).

Generate online orders/its updates.

Protect payments through OTP/aoutomated remainders.

Send spacial day wishes in bulk.

Store and track customer information.

Easy to identify ergular customers.

Easy to propagate Offers/Discounts.

Shearing product line data online.

Online update and download product catalogue.

Secured user access.

Seprating and organising product line.

Item search in oragnised product line.

Share images to Whatsapp/Email.

Zoom out features added to enlarge the image.

Provision for multiple images.

Provision for smart product/best offer search.

Keeps administrative cost low.

Complete product details.

Easy to identify and refill the stocks in shelf.

Make your purchase free of errors.

Track customers with due payments.

Easy to adhere administrative and regulatory controls.

Different repayment options.

Check payment dues by empolyee or customer.

Check payment dues by date & contact.

Payment reminder SMS text message.

Supply chain management.

Track your Order/ Job Cards.

Keep track of stone qualiy and receipts.

Different levels of quality check.

Customize managing your metal/stone inventory.

Payments and Receipts: supplier and worker.

Customized reports for different vendors.

B2B order approval.

B2B Invoice Generation and Cancellation.

B2B sales return process.

B2B metal receipts.

B2B rate-cut.

B2B payments & receipts.

B2B Ledgers.

Bank journal to track bank transation.

Easy to update cash/payment balances of vendor/ customer.

Maintain B2B Trey Tag always accurate.

Invoice generation and cancellation of B2C made simple.

Track outstanding fot B2B and B2C.

Track Advance Payment of B2B.

Multi-Tier System

Fully personalised solutions.

Focused marketing.

Turing customer to brand loyalist.

Shop with us and win.

Accumulating points.

Redeeming the points.

Redemption expiration date.

Currency exchange Rate.


Ease-to-use wizard.

Real-time tracking.

Traget pricing.

Easy to add offers and promotions.

Easy to add offers on selected items.

Easy to monitor the offers.

Easy to add promotion/notification via SMS/WhatsApp.

Campaign management.

Stock on hand to satisfy orders.

Inventory on hand and to satisfy ordres.

Understand stock levels and stock location.

In-demand products insights.

Best sellers insights.

Profitable single or product line.

Monitor of supplier performance.

Records of retun items.

Financial statement graphs and charts.

Point of sale payment reports.

Easy to identify that customers interested gold schemes.

Monitoring gold scheme transactions and outsdanings.

Item sale and gold scheme performance tracking.

Cost control & reduction, maximizing revenues & profits.

Sales order summary.

Sales transction list for specific period.

Sales commision report.

Profit analysis.

Ratio analysis.

Scenario management.

Unlimited cost & profit centers.

Balance sheets and financial statements.

Easy record maintenance of income & expenses.

Standard printing format for recorded payments.

Auto accountig up to balance sheets.

Flexible budget.

GST & TDS reports.

Account level financial information.

Business owned items buying.

P & L Analysis By Store Wise, Item Wise, Vendor Wise.

Price to cash flow.

Integrating RFID reader to your business.

Authenticate important activity through OTP support.

Integrate your products with Tally.

High-level security.

Use mobile applications for doorstep collection of payment.

Use our applications offline or cloud based.

Data conversion is easy our application.

Do all E-commerece activities through our application.

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