Our advanced Pricing & Planning
Our pricing and plans are for any business, from a startup to enterprise. We have handpicked solutions packed with features that fit your requirements and support you throughout your customer journey.
Set-Up Cost license | LITE ₹60,000 1,000 / Month | PREMIUM ₹85,000 1,000 / Month | ULTIMATE ₹1,25,000 1,000 / Month | MULTI-STORE Head Office ₹ 3,00,000 Per Branch ₹1,25,000 1,000 / Month |
Features |
Tracking candidates and applications |
Helps new joiners understand company policy |
Monitor Daily Attendance |
Helps performance apprasial of workers |
Recording Skill Sets and Improvement |
Hasslefree management of salary |
Online assessment and recruitment of staffs |
Calculating and sharing of profits/incentives |
Employee shifting/transferring made easy |
Create Purchase orders easily |
String all digital contracts safely |
Capturing materials requirement |
Send Quotation or purchase price easily |
Monitor the movement of purchase Order |
Complete import functionality with the handling of custom details |
Purchase bill for import, excise consideration in imports |
Easily create bill of entry when shipment is ready |
Value-based approval of indents |
Service contracts, Srrvice bills, Service indents, and PO |
Add payment terms in PO |
Excise considration in purchase and process orders |
Send purchase order to vendor for authorization |
Track all amendments made in PO |
Track cancellation and closing of orders |
Facility to add multiple dates for delivery |
Check your product fulfills quality parameters |
Add the period the quoted price is valid |
Create MIS report on quality, price, delivery period. |
Outourcing and tracking the orders easy. |
Can add more buy requisition in a PO. |
Add details of tax and others in PO. |
Easy to adjust Advance payments. |
Add bills in Purchase and General Ledger. |
Vendor complince made easy. |
Improve efficiency from design to conception. |
Track receipts and payments of a vendor. |
Make a directory of all vendors. |
Evaluate Vendor performance. |
Evaluate profit and loss (Vendor Wise). |
Track Sales Return/Dead Stock (Vendor wise). |
Understand the demand/no demand of items of Vendor. |
Create alerts for vendor credit period. |
Automated TDS and TCS facility. |
Well defined lifecycle mamgement for job card/order. |
Plan buying materials for production. |
Track vendor performance (Inhouse or Outhouse). |
Facility to include all activites related to PO. |
Create work order as per the PO recevied. |
Helps to issue raw materials (Inhouse) |
Helps to issue raw materials (Inhoues). |
ServiceProvision for Stone Quality checking and clearance. |
Track outstanding quantity of metal/stone. |
Track your job card /order. |
Create different stages of quality checking. |
Remodel issues & receipts |
Remodel allocation process. |
Monitoring the stock (item wise or vendoer wise). |
Manual sketches process. |
Create 3D models of the product. |
Wax-Modling process. |
Tree Setup. |
Detemine the ratio of combining two metals. |
Detemine the ratio of metal to make it hard/brittle. |
Determine the perfect casting ratio to make a mould. |
Ghat process. |
Polishing the surface of the metal to get luster. |
First stage polishing before Buffing starts |
Fixing stones on the surface, |
Final stage of polishing the surface |
Metal / Stone Extra Fitting |
Easy to add quality checks. |
Helps to add the details in the Website. |
Maximise output with less input. |
Manage your sales return. |
Keep track of multiple vendors. |
Protect stocks flow by Barcode/QR codes etc. |
Number system in QR code to identify manufactturer. |
Flexible layable formatting. |
Sort by weight and number of pieces. |
Calulate MRP and cost of production. |
Arrange itmes as per expiry date. |
Issue certificate for the purity of gold. |
Create triggers when stocks goes down. |
Calulate the inventory requriment. |
Calulate the wear and tear of machines. |
Take stock of shelved itmes regularly. |
Monitor stock movement (from counter to counter). |
Track all your inventory (multiple inventory). |
Track total stock in hand. |
Arrange diamond/stones as per quality. |
Maintain separate ledger for different stockholder. |
Track stock of inventory periodically. |
Document inventory movement day wise/ customised. |
Calculates profit making capacity of each factors of production. |
Calculates cost of promotional activites. |
Find out the age of inventory using barcode etc. |
Verfication of financial records is easy. |
Secure inventory movement through OTP. |
Track expired items for recycle. |
Calulate total stock in hand. |
Flexibilty in barcode number series. |
Dynamically customisation avaible in voucher number series generation. |
Requesting warehouse for itmes delivery. |
Track stocks issued/transferred or cancelled. |
Delivering products to customers. |
Stock accept & return without acccept. |
Stock retuned to vendor. |
Easy to send picklist of OSP (old Gold/Silver, Sales Return,& Partial Sales.) |
easy to send picklist of Supplier. |
Generating a request for quotation. |
Generation and cancellation of invoice. |
Invioce against Order/Reserve. |
Direct billing for goods pick-up. |
Online Shareable invoice in standard format. |
Goods image or pictures on invoice. |
Manage your offers and discounts. |
Customise your discounts. |
Create aoutmated disconuts for material parts. |
Part payment invoice. |
Easily find tax to pay. |
Automation for improved sales. |
Create and track credit memos. |
Calulate commission for paid/sold items. |
Easy to handle sales returns. |
Sales monitoring and compare. |
Track and store customer appraisals. |
Calulate rate of growth of business. |
Customize mode of payment. |
Monitor sales, profit and loss. |
Converting percentage net values rates into sales orders. |
Massage notification to billed customers. |
Verify payment adjustments by one time password. |
Separate provision for Orders, Reserves and Advances. |
Separate provision for Orders, Pre and Post registration of sales. |
Uploading image with facility of Order/Reserve/Customer Sample. |
Facility to add product description. |
Fexibility to vhange rates. |
Payment through instalments. |
Facility to order advance, Payment and Cancellation. |
Work allocation made simple. |
Complete process from order to delivery. |
Status to production orders. |
Tracking the status of orders made. |
Easy to track on-time and delayed deliveries. |
Facility to adjust the advance received. |
Protect the payment with OTP. |
SMS alerts for customers regarings delivery. |
Customer sample item maintenance. |
Tracking outstanding orders and payments. |
Mapping normal stock item to order stock item and vise versa. |
Advance registration for repair. |
Repair Registration with customer details. |
Facility to use barcode for tracking Repair Item. |
Assiginig work to Smith. |
Assign work and create Receipt. |
Create Delivery Invoice with extra charges. |
Monitor the pending repair queue. |
Confirm repaired delivery through OTP. |
Automated SMS for repair completion |
One step tracking of repair order and status. |
Track Delivered/Undelivered status easily. |
Easy to create and track various schemes. |
Member can join schemes online or offline. |
Automatic issuing of membership number. |
Provision to add Bonus for joining a scheme. |
Provision to add lucky draw. |
Can customize scheme card. |
Re-issuing card protected through OTP. |
Members can pay online/offline. |
Provision to add payment collection agents. |
Supports your multiple brance simultaneously. |
Can add to your website. |
Customer can login and find status. |
Auto caclulate gold scheme amount based on pledged item’s valuation. |
Send Alerts to unpaid members. |
Manage gold schemes and agent details. |
Protect changes of scheme via OTP. |
Separate track of members joined. Amount/Weightwise. |
Monitor as you like (store wise/ scheme wise etc). |
Track performance/incentiveof sales people |
Flexibility to redeem scheme at any branch. |
Check performance store wise/scheme wise. |
Separate accounts for old gold/silver etc. |
Manage old gold and silver separately. |
URD purchase bag wise management. |
Keep track of your resale. |
Auto valuation made easy. |
Flexibility to adjust bills (advance conversion or customer returns). |
Calulate profit weightwise/moneywise. |
Details of metting point of gold/other metals. |
Data support to do purity checking via melting. |
Helps to find out conversion rates from pure gold bar. |
Facility for WhatsApp/Email alerts. |
Easily track customer and leads information. |
Store detailed customer inforamation. |
Attach KYC and supporting documents. |
Choose auto-mailing for bulk email alerts. |
Savings scheme on gold (Amount/Weight). |
Generate online orders/its updates. |
Protect payments through OTP/aoutomated remainders. |
Send spacial day wishes in bulk. |
Store and track customer information. |
Easy to identify ergular customers. |
Easy to propagate Offers/Discounts. |
Shearing product line data online. |
Online update and download product catalogue. |
Secured user access. |
Seprating and organising product line. |
Item search in oragnised product line. |
Share images to Whatsapp/Email. |
Zoom out features added to enlarge the image. |
Provision for multiple images. |
Provision for smart product/best offer search. |
Keeps administrative cost low. |
Complete product details. |
Easy to identify and refill the stocks in shelf. |
Make your purchase free of errors. |
Track customers with due payments. |
Easy to adhere administrative and regulatory controls. |
Different repayment options. |
Check payment dues by empolyee or customer. |
Check payment dues by date & contact. |
Payment reminder SMS text message. |
Supply chain management. |
Track your Order/ Job Cards. |
Keep track of stone qualiy and receipts. |
Different levels of quality check. |
Customize managing your metal/stone inventory. |
Payments and Receipts: supplier and worker. |
Customized reports for different vendors. |
B2B order approval. |
B2B Invoice Generation and Cancellation. |
B2B sales return process. |
B2B metal receipts. |
B2B rate-cut. |
B2B payments & receipts. |
B2B Ledgers. |
Bank journal to track bank transation. |
Easy to update cash/payment balances of vendor/ customer. |
Maintain B2B Trey Tag always accurate. |
Invoice generation and cancellation of B2C made simple. |
Track outstanding fot B2B and B2C. |
Track Advance Payment of B2B. |
Multi-Tier System |
Fully personalised solutions. |
Focused marketing. |
Turing customer to brand loyalist. |
Shop with us and win. |
Accumulating points. |
Redeeming the points. |
Redemption expiration date. |
Currency exchange Rate. |
Refunds/Returns. |
Ease-to-use wizard. |
Real-time tracking. |
Traget pricing. |
Easy to add offers and promotions. |
Easy to add offers on selected items. |
Easy to monitor the offers. |
Easy to add promotion/notification via SMS/WhatsApp. |
Campaign management. |
Stock on hand to satisfy orders. |
Inventory on hand and to satisfy ordres. |
Understand stock levels and stock location. |
In-demand products insights. |
Best sellers insights. |
Profitable single or product line. |
Monitor of supplier performance. |
Records of retun items. |
Financial statement graphs and charts. |
Point of sale payment reports. |
Easy to identify that customers interested gold schemes. |
Monitoring gold scheme transactions and outsdanings. |
Item sale and gold scheme performance tracking. |
Cost control & reduction, maximizing revenues & profits. |
Sales order summary. |
Sales transction list for specific period. |
Sales commision report. |
Profit analysis. |
Ratio analysis. |
Scenario management. |
Unlimited cost & profit centers. |
Balance sheets and financial statements. |
Easy record maintenance of income & expenses. |
Standard printing format for recorded payments. |
Auto accountig up to balance sheets. |
Flexible budget. |
GST & TDS reports. |
Account level financial information. |
Business owned items buying. |
P & L Analysis By Store Wise, Item Wise, Vendor Wise. |
Price to cash flow. |
Integrating RFID reader to your business. |
Authenticate important activity through OTP support. |
Integrate your products with Tally. |
High-level security. |
Use mobile applications for doorstep collection of payment. |
Use our applications offline or cloud based. |
Data conversion is easy our application. |
Do all E-commerece activities through our application. |
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